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 Recent Work

Lockdown Landscapes 2020


A short series of observational paintings done within a few miles of home.

There is a comfortable nostalgia to painting directly from nature in oils.

  • Biggarlinks

    Biggarlinks Design Jennifer Turner

    In 2021 I was invited to come up with a community art project for Biggar Little Festival.

    The Biggarlinks motif is a three loop knot, a continuous unbroken line chosen to represent the strength of community links in the town of Biggar and the surrounding area.

    Variations on this trefoil knot can be found in the decorative art of many diverse cultures, but in choosing to use it for this Scottish project, I was interested in its Celtic forms where it is sometimes called the Eternity Knot. 

    Biggarlinks in Indian Ink

    Variations on a theme.

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